Business Opportunity

Saya wajib share peluang perniagaan ini dengan semua orang supaya orang-orang diluar sana yang mahu berubah baik dari segi kewangan mahupun quality time with the loved ones dapat ambil peluang ini.

Peluang perniagaan dengan konsep business ber'mentor' dibawah Green Leaders Group. Every step is guided. Bukan lagi cara konvensional tetapi dengan menggunakan social media marketing as the modus operandi. 

Wonder what is the business is all about and how do we grow our business? This is where we need to sit down and let me share with you the business plan. Tapi apa yang paling penting saya nak bagitahu, this business is really do-able! InsyaAllah!

Fadh Hassan
call/text: 017 - 304 5363

Business ber'mentor'. Every step is guided. Let's meet the mentors.

Hanis Haizi

CDM Hanis daripada seorang housewife to a great entrepreneurs. Very young and such an inspiring person. Dalam masa 2 tahun dalam business ni, Hanis berjaya bergelar seorang CDM dengan pendapatan RM200k sebulan. Hanis merupakan founder Green Leaders Academy Malaysia (GLAM)yang ditubuhkan untuk Green Leaders Group (GLG) menimba ilmu berbusiness dan bersedia untuk menjadi seorang great leader just like her.

Salha Zain

CDM Salha started this business when she was a housewife and reached the CDM rank within 2 years in the business and just like Hanis, she is now earning 6 figures monthly.

She was invited for a TV9 programme, Hujah as a guest speaker. Just imagine from a surirumah to a TV guest speaker. Wow!

Salha juga merupakan mentor hebat didalam GLG & GLAM.

Lily Jasmin Halim

Lily comes from corporate world. Bukan calang-calang orang, she was a corporate tycoon before she left that world demi quality time dengan anak-anak and family. And now she is a tycoon in this business. With just 1 & 1/2 years, Lily dah mencapai pangkat CDM dengan monthly income 6 figures. 

Also, great mentor to us in GLG & GLAM.

Last but not least, introducing our academy where in here i am guided and trained to be a great leader like my CDMs. 

I have taken my first step by joining the right group and i welcome all of you to join me. In Sya Allah, together everyone achieve more. Let's regain back control of your life!

fadh hassan
call/text: 017 - 304 5363

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